Tuesday, October 1, 2013

13." Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results"

Joanne Lipman discusses a past orchestra conductor of hers, Mr. K. Who is remembered for his blunt and fierce ways of teaching. He often referred to his students as "idiots" when they messed up. When compared with the way teachers are suppose to act today, Lipman says, "..he'd be fired." Lipman argues that Mr. K's way of teaching actually gets better results. It encourages students to do their best and continue to practice until their product is the best it can be. Lipman believes that the stronger methods of teaching are better and instill confidence in students.

All in all, I agree with what Lipman is discussing, but there are a few things I disagree with. I do believe that being a little more stern will encourage students to do their best in fear of failure. But we should not categorize them as failures, we should help them understand that their are challenges sometimes. The main idea for a teacher is to get the student to do their best and this may be different for each student. I do not think it is possible to have a specific way to teach a class, but more importantly teach to the students individually in ways that better them.

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