Wednesday, October 30, 2013

19. "Evolving Classroom Education: Where Is K-12 Technology Headed?"

Classrooms have been utilizing the use of technology in their lesson plans. They understand the importance of technology in students’ education. By allowing students to use the technology that the students already own helps the cost of technology more affordable. They also are encouraging Natural user interfaces, NUI. These devices use the body’s movement to provide outcomes and includes devices like the Nintendo Wii, Xbox Kinect, and Iphone’s Siri. The advantage of this technology is that is reaches the blind, deaf, physically disabled and autistic who learn better through still evolving technology that is more recent. Personal learning environments allow sudents to choose resources through different types of electric formats. This allows individuals to use a style and type of learning that is best for them. Each type of technology that is used in the classroom builds on the previous device that came before it. It is important to keep the technology up to date. By allowing tablets, apps, BYOD, NUI, PLEs it helps the schools from falling behind and allowing the students to bring their own devices that they learn best with. Technology is important to integrate in today’s classroom.

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