Thursday, September 12, 2013

6. "Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core"

Integration can teach everyone something. Integration is hard to find in todays school. Often because it is difficult to make happen. Teachers must collaborate, research, and spend most of their spare time bettering their lessons. This is asking a lot from our teachers who take on this challenge. Integration is a great way to learn. It allows different contents to be combined in various ways to make learning fun. Students are more likely to want to participate and learn if these different activities are approached. This gives teachers a way to make their own additions to the Common Core Standards. The Arts Integration allows all students to learn in their own ways through music, movies, and different visuals.

These are great ideas that allow teachers and students to have their own input on learning. The teachers are enabled to stay a little from the Common Core State Standard. It also allows for children to learn in various ways. Not all students learn simply through being lectured. Some are visual, some are auditory, and some are hands on learners. These ideas allow for each students needs to be meet on different levels. These ideas should be practiced in the classroom. 

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