Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9. Safe Practices for Life Online

1. Instagram, facebook.com, twitter
2. Ruin a reputation, guilt and regret, ruin chance for a job
3. Sexting- sending scandalous pictures and text through the phone, Cramming- false
    assumptions, Cookies- track your movement online, Trojan horse- virus that allows access to
    information, Phishing- false identity, Spyware- gain information form someone else's computer
    activities, Rootkit- gives unauthorized  access to computer without being detected, Zombie
    connected to the internet that has been hacked (Wikipedia)
4. These screen names are not professional and give off a bad reputation.
5. These screen names can be judged quickly because of what they may mean to someone else.
6. Too much info can be seen in screen names like someone's name or location.
7. All of these screen names are poor choices. They are not professional and can give an automatic
    poor judgment. They make the person non recognizable and less likely to be remembered or
8. jhnsmt@yahoo, j.e.l@yahoo.com, ls@yahoo.com
9. My score was a six and this activity lets us know how simple it is especially with hacking software 
     to access someones password.
10. Most common is student gives their information to another friend, least common is somone
      seeing you enter your password.

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