Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10. Concept Map Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

RI. K. 7

With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear. (ex. what person, place,thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts.)

I.      Read Johnny Appleseed
by Jodie Shepherd
illustrated by Masumi Furukawa

1.The students will listen while read the story.
2.They will participate by answering questions that explains what is happening in the illustration? By looking at the picture what do you think will happen next
A.    Read Johnny Appleseed

1.    Answer Questions

II.     Depict the illustration

1.First the student will decide the correct sequence the illustrations should be in and correctly number them.
2.Then they will add color to the worksheet.

A.    Sequence Worksheet

1.    Color the Worksheet

III.    Become the Author

1.As a class we will review Johnny Appleseed.
2.On their own the student will cut out the sequence worksheet and glue it to a piece of paper.
3.The student will then write their own book by telling what is happening in the picture.

A.    Review Johnny Appleseed

1.    Make a Book out of the Worksheet

a.    Write a Sentence

IV.    Become the illustrator

1.The student must finish their book.
2.They will be allowed to use the computer to complete a coloring sheet online.
3. Add the coloring sheet to the book as a book cover.

A.    Online Coloring Sheet

1.    Print and add to book cover

V.     Watch Johnny Appleseed

1.The student must listen and pay attention to the movie.
2.Take notes and compare and contrast the book and movie.
3.Tell what they liked or disliked about the story.

A.    Compare and Contrast

1.    Pick a favorite part of the story



  1. I love your concept map. It defiantly fits a kindergarten classroom. I also like how your students will make their own little book!

  2. Johnny Appleseed is an all time favorite book for any kindergartener. Did not know there was a movie about the book. Neat.

  3. I like your map! It is really cute. I liked your activities and using the online color sheet as a book cover.

  4. Great incorporation of student participation while reading the story. I like how you begin to teach putting a story together through sequence. Students may need assistance writing their own story, however.

  5. I really like that I can read all of your information at a glance. I also like your coloring sheet for the students to do.

  6. I like your idea of using Johnny Appleseed and having the students create their own book! The only thing I may have done differently is to let the students use more creativity with their books rather than using worksheets or coloring sheet to create it. However, I loved your lesson!!

  7. Your concept map is SO cute! I love all of the colors and creativity. Good idea to ask questions as a way to get children to participate. I really love the coloring worksheet website that you found! It's cute and creative. Don't forget to speak up a little when you're talking. I had a hard time hearing you.

  8. I love the creativity and organization of your concept map. I like how you organized the boxes and how they got smaller as you go down the map. I also liked how you incorporated creativity in the students assignment.

  9. Remeber to smile and be loud, but great job on your lesson.

  10. I like that you are keeping the lessons very simple. I think Kindergartners will be able to catch on very easily.

  11. The colors of your concept map are very appealing and draw attention. I like how all your information on your map is visable.

  12. Your concept map was very creative and your pictures were good. Very cool paint activity for them to do!

  13. Your concept map is very visually appealing and has great activities for the lesson.

  14. I love the coloring sheet that's online. Very creative! It is a very structured lesson that will have many students engaged.

  15. I'm glad you chose Johnny Appleseed. That's an all time favorite for children. Your activities are very appropriate for your age group. Great job!

  16. I think that this is a great story for kindergartners with great activities that they will enjoy.

  17. Cute theme! I like how the activities build off of each other. How they take the worksheet and use it to make a book!
