Tuesday, December 3, 2013

26. "Kids Can't Compute And That's A Problem" and "A conversation with a 'Bad' Teacher"

Mike Elgan explains in his article why he thinks kids are not as good digital natives as people make them out to be. He argues that just because a child has grown up using computers doesn’t mean they know what it takes to make the different programs they are using. Elgan discusses the different types of computes he has used throughout his work career. He explains how these computers required him to know different operations and commands in order for the computer to work. Today’s computers do all of the dirty work for us. With technology evolving it is more important for us to remain up to date with the different types of programs that are being used in technology. Elgan believes that since technology has evolved it has actually caused us to be less familiar with computers than they were when computers first came out and required you to enter the different programs manually.
John Owens, worked for a magazine company decided to return to school to become a teacher. He had his own opinion about the school organization he began to work for soon after getting his education degree. The schools focus was mainly on the statistics and keeping their students passing. They did not seem to care about the people inside the organization. Owens reached out to others by writing a piece online. He receive a lot of feedback and was even asked to do an interview for MSNBC. This inspired him to write a book and express the truth behind the South Bronx public school. I believe that Owens makes a good point. Education is not only about ensuring that students pass but becoming a part of their life. Anyone whom a child meets with everyday becomes a big part of their life. Students should be able to confide and trust their teachers. Just as teachers should care about the benefits of their students. When choosing to become a teacher one thing that inspires you is being able to touch each student’s life in some way, shape, or form. Education is not just a job it is not just based on the statistics of passing students but being able to offer your time and help to see your students benefit from your lessons and your advice. Being a teacher is much more than just a job. You must strive to be a good role model and idol to students, not just solely on making them just another statistic.

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