Tuesday, December 3, 2013

24. "Educause Sprint 2013 beyond MOOCs: IT Creating a New, Connected Age?"

This article informs us about how technology is evolving and that most higher education programs are changing to massive online classrooms, known as MOOCs. These classrooms will strengthen the learning experience, provide greater connection and interaction, and deliver more personal learning. They want students to take full advantage of technology. These programs will allow students to personalize their learning and allow them to participate in visualizations and simulations. They provide immediate contact with a professor and the ability to work at your own pace. Students can access a university’s resources from any location at any time because they are not restricted to a physical place. This article defines the transition from being the “informational age” to the “connected age.” Being able to work at your own pace can benefit a person tremendously. The only downfall is not being able to contact a professor and meet them face to face. Many people learn in different ways and prefer different types of lectures. I believe this program could be beneficial to some people at the same time it could ruin another student’s education.

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