Monday, December 9, 2013


1. Intro Video: The first day of IT 365 the class took a part in an activity that used NETS-T standard II, which is to “design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.” We did so by filming a classmate using the video function on our IPhone and uploaded them to our newly created blog. By using our IPhones we were using contemporary tools we were used to in order to record ourselves and upload them to our new blog, which maximized our learning and developed new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This beginning project lead us into the many new skills we would soon learn about using technology. This project showed us many different forms of expressing ourselves in creative ways. This assignment taught me that a video can be just as meaningful as words. The most difficult part of the video project was giving information that explained myself in thirty seconds. This taught me that there are many different ways to express yourself with different medians. I’ve learned through this project that I can incorporate an informative video of myself or anything else to help explain to my students different information that may not be allowed inside the school.
2. TED Video: NETS-T standard V, which is to “engage in professional growth and leadership,” explains the TED Videos we watched in class. The videos that were shared on TED offered advice from different teachers. The teachers offer examples of ways we can engage in professional growth and leadership through there speeches that have been shared through TED. But the thing I did not necessary like is that it offered their specific point of view and opinion. But I also I learned that TED can be a very useful tool for teachers. I will use the knowledge I gain from TED videos and incorporate them into my classroom in order to have a wide variety of options and lessons.

3. Concept Map: NETS-T standard II, which is “design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments” was used during our concept map project. We used a program called inspiration to produce a concept map for our future classroom. We chose our own lesson plan that allowed us to search for our own topic. We created our own digital aged learning experience. I learned that there is a lot more that goes into the lesson plan that just an activity or information. As future teachers we have to get used to integrating the common core standards into each lesson and insuring that our students get the proper education they need to move onto the next level of education. It was difficult to learn how to incorporate different lessons with the specific common core state standards and make an interesting lesson for the students. But I learned that you can modify your lesson to meet the standard. I gained knowledge form this project that I will be able to use in my future classroom as far as inspiration, common core state standards, and concept maps.

4. Do Not Track Me: Do Not Track Me was a download we installed on our computers that referred to NETS-T standard IV, which states, “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.” We were informed that our actions online are being monitored for the benefits of different businesses. Websites monitor our internet usage to aid their company by displaying certain things on our web pages. I learned how important internet safety is. Do Not Track Me blocks websites form tracking your usage online. I did not know that you could be tracked and monitored by different Websites. But since I have downloaded Do Not Track Me I have been able to stop sites from monitoring my internet use. I will be able to share this information with my class and ensure that they get the proper information on trackers. They will be able to be digital citizens correctly and resist the chance of being tracked for the benefits of different programs online.

5. Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality was an app that incorporated NETS-T standard I by “facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity.” Augmented Reality apps offer information about the environment around you at that time. I downloaded this app that offered me information about objects in my vicinity. This app offers a different way of obtaining information. It differs from just being taught out of a text book or from an oral discussion because it allows the student to interact with the information as the choose. There were problems that encountered with the app I downloaded sometimes it would just list objects around me and not the information. This may be able to be fixed with a more expensive version that I could download for my classroom, but I would have to become familiar with the program before I would let my students use it. But it would be a great way to incorporate a different type of hands on activity in the classroom.

6. Voki: Voki allowed us to create a virtual character that followed the NETS-T standard I, which is to “facilitate and inspire learning and creativity.” By creating our own virtual teacher that can be used in a virtual environment. Voki website allows you to interact with parents and students through the internet as well as staying connected with the students. Voki website can be difficult to follow or understand. It was difficult to add actions and different backgrounds without the help of others. But this can be easily avoided if you are patient enough to learn how to navigate the website. This website offers a since of connection for everyone and can be easier to stay in contact with different people. I will be able to include my class and their parents in an internet friendly environment by using this tool.

7. Web 2.0 Sites: As a class we able to discuss different programs on the internet that could be used in today’s classroom. This met the NETS-T standard III, which states “collaborating with student’s success and innovation.” We offered examples of how to use different sites to our classmates and gave different ideas on how to incorporate them into different lessons. This encouraged us to model to each other how to navigate and use different Web Sites. I learned that there are many child friendly programs that can be used in today’s class although some examples were not effective there were still a lot that could be useful. I will be able to use these different websites in my future classroom and have many different resources to refer back to.
8. Our Website: NETS-T standard IV was met by producing our own webpage. The standard states to “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.” We were able to create our website correctly and avoid copywriting someone else’s work and share our own. I learned how to be a digital citizen by citing and stating where the information I used was from. I learned how to use graphics and google sites. Although I encountered a few problems with glitches and programs, I was able to navigate and learn how to fix the problems myself. I will be able to incorporate creating a website in my classroom to help teach my students how to be a digital citizen and the correct way to cite online material as well as explore and express themselves in different ways.  

9. Movie: In class we created our own movie using a program called Movie Maker on our desktop. This involved using NETS-T standard I, which is to “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.” We were offered the chance to express ourselves through pictures that told a story. I learned that computers can be difficult to use when saving you have to be specific and make sure that you are saving to the correct place and uploading it correctly. This is a good way to teach students creative expression how to give credits to those in the movie as well as the songs used. This would be an interesting way to get students to meet each other in a different way.

I have learned how to better use technology from this class. It has taught me different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom and how important it is for the future. With technology evolving and growing it is important to keep the technology in the class room up to date. It allows children to become involved in a different way of gaining information rather than just listening to a lecture or reading a text book. I’ve learned how important technology can be to incorporate the Common Core State Standards into the classroom. 
It is another way to get the students involved with the lesson an allow them to get hands on learning. It can offer freedom of research and teach them the importance of being a good digital citizen. I hope to be able to teach my students the information about technology I have learned from this class. I believe it is important to incorporate technology into the classroom because children can easily interact and gain different benefits from researching of aiding fin motor skills. It is important not to overpower yourself or the students with the use of technology in the classroom but find a happy medium. I will be sure to incorporate technology into my classroom thanks to the different things I have learned for IT 365.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

26. "Kids Can't Compute And That's A Problem" and "A conversation with a 'Bad' Teacher"

Mike Elgan explains in his article why he thinks kids are not as good digital natives as people make them out to be. He argues that just because a child has grown up using computers doesn’t mean they know what it takes to make the different programs they are using. Elgan discusses the different types of computes he has used throughout his work career. He explains how these computers required him to know different operations and commands in order for the computer to work. Today’s computers do all of the dirty work for us. With technology evolving it is more important for us to remain up to date with the different types of programs that are being used in technology. Elgan believes that since technology has evolved it has actually caused us to be less familiar with computers than they were when computers first came out and required you to enter the different programs manually.
John Owens, worked for a magazine company decided to return to school to become a teacher. He had his own opinion about the school organization he began to work for soon after getting his education degree. The schools focus was mainly on the statistics and keeping their students passing. They did not seem to care about the people inside the organization. Owens reached out to others by writing a piece online. He receive a lot of feedback and was even asked to do an interview for MSNBC. This inspired him to write a book and express the truth behind the South Bronx public school. I believe that Owens makes a good point. Education is not only about ensuring that students pass but becoming a part of their life. Anyone whom a child meets with everyday becomes a big part of their life. Students should be able to confide and trust their teachers. Just as teachers should care about the benefits of their students. When choosing to become a teacher one thing that inspires you is being able to touch each student’s life in some way, shape, or form. Education is not just a job it is not just based on the statistics of passing students but being able to offer your time and help to see your students benefit from your lessons and your advice. Being a teacher is much more than just a job. You must strive to be a good role model and idol to students, not just solely on making them just another statistic.

25. "From Advisees" Reflection

The advisees offered several tools that can be used in a classroom that would benefit both the teacher and students. How to work an LMS was the first tool they mentioned. This tool ensures that students are both college and career ready. Smartboards are another form of technology that should be used in the classroom. Teachers also need to be able to incorporate the concept of BYOD in today’s classroom. Finally, being familiar with the SAMR model is important in order to integrate technology into the classroom. Teachers are expected to use these tools to teach their students in a variety of different ways. It is important to remember that the teachers must learn the specific ways to use these tools as well as making them meet a variety of grade levels. These tools will keep technology growing in the classroom and offer the students different hands on and interactions throughout the lessons they are being taught.

24. "Educause Sprint 2013 beyond MOOCs: IT Creating a New, Connected Age?"

This article informs us about how technology is evolving and that most higher education programs are changing to massive online classrooms, known as MOOCs. These classrooms will strengthen the learning experience, provide greater connection and interaction, and deliver more personal learning. They want students to take full advantage of technology. These programs will allow students to personalize their learning and allow them to participate in visualizations and simulations. They provide immediate contact with a professor and the ability to work at your own pace. Students can access a university’s resources from any location at any time because they are not restricted to a physical place. This article defines the transition from being the “informational age” to the “connected age.” Being able to work at your own pace can benefit a person tremendously. The only downfall is not being able to contact a professor and meet them face to face. Many people learn in different ways and prefer different types of lectures. I believe this program could be beneficial to some people at the same time it could ruin another student’s education.

23. My Movie