Tuesday, August 27, 2013

4. "The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards"

The Common Core promises that they are the most innovative advancement in education. The Common Core will convince you that they are necessary to prepare student for their life after high school. The Common Core will even ensure our national security. How can the Common Core assure us of these things? There is no evidence to base these assumptions off of. The Common Core’s standards are only setting students up for failure. This will not encourage students to further their education, but instead end it. The Common Core will be nationwide, which will not allow each state to do what is best for them. We have already discovered that MS moves slower in education than say, NY. So, why challenge the students in MS to meet the standards that are even too high for NY to reach. How will this better our nation’s education?

Common Core will be asking too much from even from the smartest students. How can we expect to benefit from this rigorous curriculum, especially by being thrown into it? The Common Core has multiple expectations and standards to offer, but how do you begin to change a school completely? Most people do not do well with change and this is asking people to completely alter the way education is in schools.  I think the Common Core is setting the country’s education up for failure.


  1. The way you set up the first paragraph was very effective in proving your point. The rhetorical questions entice the reader and make them want answers. Again, I agree with everything you're saying and wish that someone could answer the questions you pose in your response.

  2. By asking questions it shows that you are concerned about the common core and even have questions yourself. This was a well written blog and very interesting to read. I agree with you on the aspect of common core setting us up for failure. I also enjoyed the fact that you related the common core back to Mississippi. You are right when you stated that we are behind in education already!
